I have recently entered numerous national and international shows. Acceptance in these shows validates to a degree the work I am doing. They place my art in the company of exciting talent in diverse locations in on-line exhibits and in-person shows. Current and archived shows that include my work are:
Collage Artists of America
d'Art Center, Norfolk, VA
Jag Gallery, Key West, FL
KBM Art Gallery, Riverside, CA
Las Laguna Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA
Lighthouse Art Center, Tequesta, FL
Oxbow Eco-Center, Port St. Lucie, FL
Red Bluff Art Gallery, Red Bluff, MT
Rhode Island Watercolor Society, RI
Rountree Gallery, Platteville, WI
St. Lucie County Courthouse, Ft. Pierce, FL
33rd Annual All Florida Juried Exhibit, Stuart, FL 2023, Award.

Since 1993, living in Florida, I have been exploring new opportunities through art associations in my area.
Art Associates of Martin County
Collage Artists of America
Florida Surface Design Association
Lighthouse Art Center
Martin Arts
St Lucie County Cultural Alliance
Studio Art Quilters Association
Vero Beach Art Club
Grand Haven Area Community Foundation, Grand Haven, MI
Hackley Professional Building, Muskegon, MI
Health Care, Inc. Lansing, MI
Holland Hospital, Holland, MI
The Knoll Group, Muskegon, MI
Muskegon Community College, Muskegon, MI
Muskegon Museum of Art, Muskegon, MI
Numerous private collections
"Creative Fashions to Sew: Vests and Jackets" Lark Books, 1998
"Arts and Letters" Hope College Alumni Opus 1999